The Jungle Book, the need for a lucky find, the rat’s next in your behind mind. The polar warning, the pose of fervor and in your race to the top of the passionate mountainous region, you slip up, and knock unconscious and fade away haha.

This is virtually impossible, this is the most infected aspect of the discussion, and WE ARE NOT having this discussion. Discussion over. I have heard all I need to hear from the likes of you and your rotten fridge full.
It’s grotesque, no… sassy. No no, not the word… it’s… offensive, in fact wrong, that you would consider, even for an instant, in the face of the very thing that has kept you at bay, kept you away from him, all this time, wow I feel bad for you, and YET, I feel nothing, not even in my time of need.
You were in the process of emptying and at that moment a line in the sand was drawn and blood was, from a bag of hot rotten blood, poured into the moat AKA line in the sand but because of the heat and DRYNESS of the sand… immediately dried and was just DNA in lil rocks AKA sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand.
Haha grosssss!!
Listen FFF is pleased to announce this is the first new article for the new writer: Passionate M Brace. She is an important author and full of important and meaningful things to say. I, for one, am SUPER happy to have her on staff, infecting the magazine with her words and ideas and hopefully this infection is gonna spread!!!
hehe looks like it’s already spreading 🙂
Looks like FFF caught something, a super virus known as high quality journalism, we fell ill, like we are going to throw up and expose something horrifying, a gross injustice, a sick fuck, a sick move, a dick move, a sickly and near death creature that has lived in a cage its entire life. You call yourself a hero just before bed and your heoric nature is well documented but in the next issue of FFF, we will expose the results of the investigation and be warned, it is not a good feeling when the whole world is watching and you are not confident in your looks.
Your looks give you pause and you are horrified by your ugliness MEANWHILE no one even cares about you so it’s all good hahahahaha. GO TO THE DOCTOR FFF, get a cure for the sugar fantasy, its’ like, fantastic, aka chicken breast meat!
Brian AKA Rose