It’s Never Too Late

Until, theres actually no more time for you to fix, do, apologize, forgive!

You have brutally FUCKED up, massively I know. Most of your choices, all of them, have led you, you find yourself, to/in a spot you hate resent and but you can’t seem to help but to blame haha them, oh so many brutal nast forces and creatures of AKA wrong doing, because, like let’s face it OKAY lady or man, blaming yourself was, still is as ever was, exhausting and quite confusing.

But read what I say here because it’s important for you specifically, it’s relevant, it’s ready and dire, time and it’s here because there’s only one time a day when the things you ordered or that were prepared for you arrive at your basic doorstep (mail basically).

Go collect them now, rip into them, they’re what you get cause now, count your packages, there are many!

5 Things everyone should do cause: It’s a special day in your life, and we’re here too to celebrate with you! Celebrate with us though, let’s get very busy!

1. Let yourself go? LET YOURSELF go! Let it all go and be so that when you’re ready to truly fully dissolve in the woods there’s like no ghost hanging around wondering “Where or who exactly should I begin to haunt now that the mortal coil is decomposing over there, visible to my ghost dead eyes?!”

2. Write yourself a song. No really, Duh like no one’s watching, no one is!

3. Listen to your heart and…. invest in release. The stethoscope is picking up transmissions from your previous self and you’re heading to jail punk ass!

4. Lawyer up, seriously though, and delete that, they are going to make your life more difficult but you will be protected and you will have a family again in the form of paid advocates!!

5. Ask her, do it! Ask her what you wanted to ask!!!

It’s Not Everyday Except 2Day


Some people appear to have everything, you want that. Some people you see held on tight to the ship’s rail when the massive wave hit, desperately and for dear life.

It’s not for the lack of saying but it’s a wish list and seriously for this you pay dearly OR you may maxxx out its flowing through the tight gates, smack dab up onto and into your stash of hard gold.

Today is a day like that though, today’s a special day of our celebration in the worldwide community because face it we worship the mysterious hole. Today is the day we venture to the hole and seek relief, we will stare into the hole and throw into the hole, we’ll shout at the hole and imagine what creature, event, or process made the hole, and what made us every last one.

It’s an important day to celebrate, a joyful day, come on remember there’s a song with your name in it and today is one of the days you sing that and we’ll sing along with you at the very top of our lungs.

Listen and see the words written here, your infinite wisdom and smoking body are erotic and tangential, just think you’ve been cured of nearly everything under the sun as yet.

I get it, it’s difficult to see the rays of hot lightning streaming out of your own beating breast heart because the brightness is blinding, admit it, but come on gaze toward the light, let it burn on your vision, let it render you blind, your very own burning sensation.

Choose your weapon, choose your visage, an outfit too, choose wisely and ASAP. GO FORTH, forge on, live now, and forever -> as the dogs lay sleeping back in the hole, you roam on the plains and violently murder your dinner as is your way and then to dine with stars, periodic table elements, peaks and for dessert valleys and the infinite rivers of blood that flow deep underground. Now DIG, DIG!! Find the liquid gold way down underneath and bring it to the surface. Feed off of it and spread it around!!

My God, Bless You

The Jungle Book, the need for a lucky find, the rat’s next in your behind mind. The polar warning, the pose of fervor and in your race to the top of the passionate mountainous region, you slip up, and knock unconscious and fade away haha.

This is virtually impossible, this is the most infected aspect of the discussion, and WE ARE NOT having this discussion. Discussion over. I have heard all I need to hear from the likes of you and your rotten fridge full.

It’s grotesque, no… sassy. No no, not the word… it’s… offensive, in fact wrong, that you would consider, even for an instant, in the face of the very thing that has kept you at bay, kept you away from him, all this time, wow I feel bad for you, and YET, I feel nothing, not even in my time of need.

You were in the process of emptying and at that moment a line in the sand was drawn and blood was, from a bag of hot rotten blood, poured into the moat AKA line in the sand but because of the heat and DRYNESS of the sand… immediately dried and was just DNA in lil rocks AKA sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand, aka lil rocks, aka sand.

Haha grosssss!!

Listen FFF is pleased to announce this is the first new article for the new writer: Passionate M Brace. She is an important author and full of important and meaningful things to say. I, for one, am SUPER happy to have her on staff, infecting the magazine with her words and ideas and hopefully this infection is gonna spread!!!


hehe looks like it’s already spreading 🙂
Looks like FFF caught something, a super virus known as high quality journalism, we fell ill, like we are going to throw up and expose something horrifying, a gross injustice, a sick fuck, a sick move, a dick move, a sickly and near death creature that has lived in a cage its entire life. You call yourself a hero just before bed and your heoric nature is well documented but in the next issue of FFF, we will expose the results of the investigation and be warned, it is not a good feeling when the whole world is watching and you are not confident in your looks.

Your looks give you pause and you are horrified by your ugliness MEANWHILE no one even cares about you so it’s all good hahahahaha. GO TO THE DOCTOR FFF, get a cure for the sugar fantasy, its’ like, fantastic, aka chicken breast meat!

Brian AKA Rose

Your Meal Has Been Prepared and It’s Time 2 Dine!

“I can’t be near you, the light just radiates.”

When you perish, the moment all goes dark blank, and blood covered angels float in to sing sweet lullaby in your deaf ears as blood gushes out of your eyes slo mo and mouth dries up and your heart pounds then explodes a lil and everyone standing in the room, that cared for you, liked you a little, realizes you’re disappearing and they’re not but that they’ll continue in the conscious material world but you’ll not be there, that’s the moment this article is about!!

It’s insane, no wild, just absurd I suppose, to imagine that the angels will sing anything other than the song Malibu, NO NOT THAT ONE! hahahaha, alright alright, FOR YOU I’ll paste both and you can compare on a as needed basis.

This author for one plans to be there for that glorious moment and to never leave!! You glorious and nasty important waste of space!


Daniel Day Lewis, NA NA NA NA, You sir R becoming the star we were once waiting for, but please sir, GET OFF THE STAGE of film! Have you no feelings to draw inspiration from!?? This author salutes you

I am live tweeting this post as I type it. I am watching gang of new york on my phone and the other one is on the tv, my left foot. OH WAIT last of the mohicans??!??! COME ON?! Lewis, day lewis?

I see you as an actor of great stature and I need you to continue to play characters live on the film!
But his relationship with these two actresses is so interesting and their friendships are fantastic!

We celebrate each other, bind ourselves internal joinery, to one another, fused and welded and melted like in a pan, but also WHEN YOU ARE READY come get this opened invitation to your own death squad. What is your weapon of choice?

Brian Dashel Rose Mcgowan

You don’t say that UNLESS…. You are new here! WELCOME


It’s not everyday that a new person comes to your area, or to be honest it might everyday but you don’t most likely get a chance to meet them and remain in your circle of people you know. It’s not that sad it’s pretty true though.

When a new person enters your inner sanctum you are both happy and scared, sometime resentful. You are like “well I do like this person in some ways, they are attractive physically to me but I fear they are more likable and perhaps accomplished than me and it makes me scared for my own security and success”.

But the best thing you can do is try to love them in your mind forever, to imagine them as a baby and how innocent and helpless they were. They are still like that but with the scars and weakness and habits of age. Even if they are well spoken or well read they will appreciate your kindness in some secret ways, even if they act as if kindness is meaningless to them.

One possible problem is that your kindness with make you look weak and stupid (not smart) but in this reporters opinion this is a dated fear from the 90’s.

So love everyone but touch no one and kill a pig with a single sword swipe you sick hungry nasty readers.
We love you!

Oh wow nasty you are – TAPE

We are a fantastic magazine meant for these actual ages. We were the first to leak this freaky tape about haha lust and ewww haha. But seriously you sick fucks over at The Pornographic, you aren’t even alone right now!! nothing but “distain for” and “proud to announce”. Or maybe you are alone? Well you certainly are, in most all ways except the thumb sucking ones.

FFF Magazine was the first publication in a long line of hack publications to report about the use of the phrase “sorry not sorry”. And now it’s everywhere!! Seriously though, admit, you have heard that phrase!! It’s Sunday, not a good day to be reporting but this is big and it can’t wait.

We are just a group of old newspaper men. And THIS is our paper.


Hard to believe you live like that

We are baffled tho, we feel completely on fire and also like…nothing, seriously though, drained of life force, yeah like, nothing at all. We’re watching in disbelieve like an out of body experience and like… we had to turn away. CAUSE in all seriousness it was TOO DISTURBING!!! Our flesh is failing! Our bone too 🙂

Seriously though, our flesh is falling off the bone. hahaha not really just like in a restaurant way.

We are announcing our new restaurant based on a video game!!!

Listen to us when we say: THIS MAGAZINE IS A” SUCCESS STORY”
It has over 20,000 readers a day.
It is sexual.
It is at war.
It is using every color all the time to make you sick.
You feel sick right? And tired????!!! THAT’S us.

And you are reading it! You are one of our readers! The life in your blood and skin is dying but you are reading this magazine hahahahahahahaha. Thats like conquering you!!! Or owning you!!!! That’s like we got married hahahaha. You married a magazine and now you are living out your life wasting all your health but reading this shit.

but you know what?


It’s LIKE another labor day over here!! we’re working hard and nothing is coming together, missing all the deadlines, but whatev!!!!! ORRRRR uhhhhh thats what it seems at first, at first glance and then we like play some early morning VIDEO GAMES and then get some food, the sense memories fade. we’re prime! come over and shine your light on us and help us desperately, give and take and we will both feed.
